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Drips Psx Efx - Playstation 1 Effects for Blender

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DripsPsxEfx - PlayStation 1 Effects for Blender

DripsPsxEfx is a toolbox to mimic the charming PlayStation 1 aesthetic.

Are you looking to recreate the nostalgia of playing classic PlayStation 1 games? Do you want to bring back the feeling of childhood memories through your renders? DripsPsxEfx has got you covered.

Recreating the PlayStation 1 look is more than just using pixelated textures and low resolutions. To truly capture the essence of the games that shaped our childhoods, we need to employ techniques like affine texture mapping and screen space vertex snapping. These techniques are not easy to replicate in modern render engines, but with DripsPsxEfx, you can achieve these effects effortlessly.

The included node groups are specifically crafted to give your renders the distinct look of beloved classics such as Crash Bandicoot, Final Fantasy 7, Silent Hill, or Tomb Raider. DripsPsxEfx will help you capture the nostalgia and magic of the PlayStation 1 era.

With real-time performance and a purely node-based workflow, DripsPsxEfx does not require scripts or add-ons.

Compatible with both Eevee and Cycles.

The package contains a diverse range of effects that can be used not only to replicate the PlayStation 1 look but also to achieve a more general retro and lofi aesthetic.:

  • Affine Texture Mapping (texture warping)

  • Screen Space Vertex Snapping / Wobble (for perspective and orthographic camera)

  • World Space Vertex Snapping

  • Distance Culling (for objects and vertices)

  • Color Crunching

  • Texture Pixelation:

  • Shader based Mist / Fog:

  • CRT and Scanline compositing filters:

  • Dither and Pixelation Composting Filters:

... and more!

Update 1.1:

  • New Advanced Dithering Node

Update 1.2 (only Blender 4.1 and up!)

  • Vertex Light Nodes (Gouraud Shading) for Directional, Point, Spot and Environment Light

  • Frustum Culling

... and a lot of new additions and usability enhancements!

How to use:

>> See documentation for full information <<

Please Note:

DripsPsxEfx version 1.2 only works with Blender 4.1 and up. For use with Blender 4.0 and earlier, please use version1.1!

Known Issues:

  • Currently, the setup does not give correct results on objects that have non-uniform scale. To ensure the correct behaviour, please apply the scale (Ctrl-A > Scale) or use a uniform scale on your objects.
    I am currently working on a fix for this issue.
  • Blender 4.1: Due to changes in the realtime compositor, certain compositor effects currently function correctly only during rendering and not in real-time. I’ve addressed this issue wherever possible. However, please note that the “PC CRT,” “TV CRT,” and “Scanlines” effects currently function correctly only during rendering and not in real-time. I’ve already discussed this with the developers, and a comprehensive fix is in the works.

For Blender 3.4 and up!

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Drips Psx Efx - Playstation 1 Effects for Blender

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